camtrapviz is an application and R package to visualize camera trap data. It is intended for data where species have already been annotated and compiled in tables.
Analysis modules
The different modules allow to import, filter and analyze camera trap data. First, you must choose data with the import module. All other modules are optional and can be run in any order. To launch the modules, navigate the sidebar on the left.

First, you must import data from the included example files or from your own dataset. Then, you can filter data based on species, cameras of date range. The overview module provides general information about the data, such as the number of cameras, the survey duration or a map. The two last modules allow to get more information on the detected species (abundance and diversity) or on some particular, user-chosen species (activity pattern, detections by camera).
Code export
For each analysis, a button allows to show the R code to reproduce the analysis. The complete report with all analyses can also be exported as a R Markdown and htlm document. To dowload the report, use the download button at the bottom of the "One species" module page.

Import data as CSV file(s): one file for records and, optionnally, another file for cameras information.
Records table
Cameras table
Records table
Cameras table
Camera activity
Summary tables
All species
Species count
Camtrapviz is a free and open-source web application and R package that I developed during my PhD (between 2023 and 2024) using R Shiny.
The source code is available at https://github.com/LisaNicvert/camtrapviz and documentation for the package is available here (created with pkgdown).
To report bugs or request new features, please open an issue on GitHub .
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