The purpose of this document is to introduce you how to use the prediction tool of MOSAIC application. This application is based on the R software1 and especially the rbioacc
library (version 0.0.5), to predict internal concentration of a hemical in organism over time by toxicokinetic (TK) models under a Bayesian framework. MOSAIC is developed as an R-Shiny interface (version 1.6.0)2.
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The prediction tool is presented as three different tabs:
Model definition is the section where the user can indicate all the inputs required to performed predictions and/or validations.
Prediction is the section where the user can view the output of predictions and download the results.
Validation is the section where the user can upload data for validation and to view the output of validation, as well as download the results.
Several cases can be encounter using the MOSAIC prediction tool:
All panels for each scenario are illustrated in Fig. 1.1 to 1.5.
Figure 1.1: Case 1: with an example file selected (directly available in MOSAICbioacc
Loading an example file will automatically fill in the field corresponding to the selected data. The user only need to click on the ‘calculate and display’ button to obtain the corresponding predictions (Fig. 1.2.A).
When using example files, the user has also the possibility to change the exposure concentration, as illustrated in Fig. 1.2.B.
Figure 1.2: Internal concentration predictions for an exposure at (A) 0.0004 and (B) 0.1 µg.mL^{-1}.
Figure 1.3: Case 2: with distributed parameters from previous fit directly done within MOSAICbioacc
Loading a previous fit will automatically fill in the field corresponding to the previous data loaded in the application. The user only need to click on the ‘calculate and display’ button to obtain the corresponding predictions.
When using a previous fit, the user has also the possibility to change the exposure concentration.
Figure 1.4: Case 3: with distributed parameters from an older version MOSAICbioacc} application.
Once selecting “yes” on the right panel about distributed parameters, the user can upload its own marginal posterior distribution for each TK parameter by click on “Browse.” The MOSAIC prediction tool expects to receive data as a .txt file or a .csv file (comma, semicolon or tabular separator). Each line of the table corresponds to a parameters combination estimate. The table must contains at least two columns (at least one deterministic and one stochastic parameters), with exact header names (Table ??):
According to your data, further columns can be added in the file:
kee | kuw | sigmaConc |
0.0407066 | 653.2712 | 0.0140530 |
0.0371152 | 645.9469 | 0.0144206 |
0.0396529 | 616.6217 | 0.0143693 |
0.0379054 | 611.8630 | 0.0152456 |
0.0366674 | 639.0979 | 0.0138721 |
0.0382296 | 641.9268 | 0.0162840 |
Then, do not forget to click on the ‘refresh’ button to load correctly the data in selecting the good separator. Then fill in the fields corresponding to exposure and time before to start calculations.
Figure 1.5: Case 4: with no distributed parameters.
The user has to manually check the TK parameter to build the corresponding TK model.
For the accumulation phase, four exposure routes can be considered:
For the depuration phase, three elimination processes can be considered:
Then the user needs to fill in the field of the duration of the accumulation phase, the appropriate time unit and the associate exposure concentration(s).
Similar outputs are provided by the prediction tool whatever the case considered, which are the plot(s) of internal concentrations predictions against time (Fig. 2.1).
Figure 2.1: Example of output delivered by the prediction tool.
In this tab, the user has the possibility to add dashed green lines for each time point indicated in the corresponding field separated by a semi-colon (e.g.: 0; 1; 4; 5; 7 days), and for a threshold value of an internal concentration (e.g., 0.2 \(\mu g.g^{-1}\)), as illustrated in Fig. 2.2.
Figure 2.2: Example of output delivered by the prediction tool adding time points and threshold value for internal concentration.
In the tab ‘Validation,’ the user can upload a data frame which contains at least two columns, one for the time points (named ‘time’) and one for internal concentration (named ‘conc’ and ‘concml’ for metabolite l, from 1 … to L). This tab can be useful when the user has data for several exposure concentrations, but he wants to test other for which he has no data. Thus the user can first validated his data before to predict for an other exposure concentration. For example, a calibration step (i.e., parameters estimation) is performed with MOSAICbioacc for a given concentration. Then the prediction analysis is done for an other exposure concentration for which the user has data. Then for the validation process, the corresponding experimental data for this predicted exposure profile are plotted over predictions. This concept is in full compliance with the recent EFSA scientific opinion.3
Figure 3.1: Example of output delivered by the validation tool adding data uploaded over predictions.
You can download all plots as displayed by the prediction tool in several formats (.png, .jpg, .pdf, .svg, .tiff and .eps).
You can also download table results in .txt or .csv.