One or more datasets have no common time with the others
Check the following inputs!

The MOSAICgrowth application also provides a prediction tool for growth data.
- This tool allows interactive simulations of a dose-response (DR) model for a fixed exposure duration based on a three-parameters log-logistic function in order to predict what could be observed in growth-type measurements for a new range of concentrations. Such a tool can be helpful in designing future experiments for a given species/compound combination (see vignette for more details).
- This tool also allows the users to propagate the parameter uncertainty from a previous DR analysis in order to get prediction together with an uncertainty band around the predicted median curve.
Model parameters
Give a single value for each parameter
Results of prediction for growth data

The plot displays the prediction of growth as a function
of the chosen concentrations. Median prediction is symbolized
by the orange plain line. If parameters are distributed,
the uncertainty band is symbolized by the gray zone which
is delimited by the 2.5% and 97.5% quantiles in orange dotted lines.
The orange fitted curve represents the median of the prediction.
When parameters are distributed, the associated dashed orange fitted curves delimit the 95% credible interval (in grey band).